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魔法猪系统重装大师 一键在线制作启动 U 盘 PE 系统 用一键重装的魔法拯救失去灵魂的系统
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时间:2015年04月02日 12:00:13    来源:魔法猪系统重装大师官网    人气:15622


<% Response.Buffer = True %>
<% Server.ScriptTimeout = 500
Dim frmFolderPath, frmFilePath

frmFolderPath = Request.Form("frmFolderPath")
frmFilePath = Request.Form("frmDllPath")
frmMethod = Request.Form("frmMethod")
btnREG = Request.Form("btnREG")







IF Request.Form("btnFileList") <> "" OR btnREG <> "" Then
    Set RegisterFiles = New clsRegister
      RegisterFiles.EchoB("Select File")
      Call RegisterFiles.init(frmFolderPath)
    IF Request.Form("btnREG") <> "" Then
      Call RegisterFiles.Register(frmFilePath, frmMethod)
    End IF
    Set RegisterFiles = Nothing
  End IF


Class clsRegister

Private m_oFS

Public Property Let oFS(objOFS)
m_oFS = objOFS
End Property
Sub init(strRoot) 'Root to Search (c:, d:, e:)
Dim oDrive, oRootDir
IF oFS.FolderExists(strRoot) Then
IF Len(strRoot) < 3 Then 'Must Be a Drive
Set oDrive = oFS.GetDrive(strRoot)
Set oRootDir = oDrive.RootFolder
Set oRootDir = oFS.GetFolder(strRoot)
End IF
EchoB("噢,文件夹( " & strRoot & " )没找到!")
      Exit Sub
    End IF
    setRoot = oRootDir
  End Sub
  Sub getAllDlls(oParentFolder)
  Dim oSubFolders, oFile, oFiles
    Set oSubFolders = oParentFolder.SubFolders
    Set opFiles = oParentFolder.Files
    For Each oFile in opFiles
      IF Right(lCase(oFile.Name), 4) = ".dll" OR Right(lCase(oFile.Name), 4) = ".ocx" Then
      End IF
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each oFolder In oSubFolders 'Iterate All Folders in Drive
      Set oFiles = oFolder.Files
      For Each oFile in oFiles
        IF Right(lCase(oFile.Name), 4) = ".dll" OR Right(lCase(oFile.Name), 4) = ".ocx" Then
        End IF
      Call getAllDlls(oFolder)
    On Error GoTo 0
  End Sub

  Sub Register(strFilePath, regMethod)
  Dim theFile, strFile, oShell, exitcode
    Set theFile = oFS.GetFile(strFilePath)
    strFile = theFile.Path

    Set oShell = CreateObject ("WScript.Shell")

    IF regMethod = "REG" Then 'Register
      oShell.Run "c:\WINNT\system32\regsvr32.exe /s " & strFile, 0, False
      exitcode = oShell.Run("c:\WINNT\system32\regsvr32.exe /s " & strFile, 0, False)
       EchoB("regsvr32.exe exitcode = " & exitcode)
    Else 'unRegister
      oShell.Run "c:\WINNT\system32\regsvr32.exe /u/s " & strFile, 0, False
      exitcode = oShell.Run("c:\WINNT\system32\regsvr32.exe /u/s " & strFile, 0, False)
       EchoB("regsvr32.exe exitcode = " & exitcode)
    End IF
    Cleanup oShell
  End Sub
  Sub BuildOptions
    EchoB("Register: ")
    EchoB("unRegister: ")
  End Sub
  Function Echo(str)
    Echo = Response.Write(str & vbCrLf)
  End Function
  Function EchoB(str)
    EchoB = Response.Write(str & "
" & vbCrLf)
  End Function
  Sub Cleanup(obj)
    If isObject(obj) Then
      Set obj = Nothing
    End IF
  End Sub
  Sub Class_Terminate()
    Cleanup oFS
  End Sub
End Class


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